Note: There's buggy behavior if you try to move/rotate before the current  one is complete. If this happens, restart the level with R. 

Trixie the Truffler

In this cozy puzzle game, you play as the titular Trixie; a truffle pig on the hunt for mushrooms deep within the forest. 

Unfortunately, Trixie is bad at directions. It's your job to help her find the truffles in each level. You can only move Trixie left or down. However, you can give her a "change in perspective" by shifting (rotating) the board to her left or behind her.

This was created for the Ebitengine Holiday Hack 2024 game jam. You can find the source code here.


  • A - move Trixie left
  • S - move Trixie down
  • - rotate board left
  • ↓ - rotate board behind
  • R - restart level*
  • Esc - open pause menu

*you can get stuck in some levels so this is your get-out-of-jail-free card.


trixie-the-truffler.exe 37 MB
Version 5 70 days ago


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Very good. It took roughly half-way thru to start understanding the "meta" pattern of the rotation and movement. Excellent job, beat all the levels. :)

Great puzzle game! Once I got the hang of the board shifting it was much easier to plot out where I needed to go and how to get there. Although level 19 took me much longer than the others.

I couldn't make it past level 18, but it was super chill! I can't say I ever really got the hang of it, mostly just spammed the buttons until I made something happen. Also feel really bad for this poor cow with it's limited mobility :.)